Leighton Fun Runners – Process for London Marathon Ballot


  • During October/November the Club is invited, through the VLM website, to apply for EA affiliated places for the following year’s London Marathon.
  • The number of places allocated to the Club depends on the number of LFR EA members at the date this application process goes live. This is subject to change although previously we have received 1 or 2 places.
  • Once confirmation of the number of places is received, the Club can award those places via ballot which will be held at a date determined by the Committee.
  • At least two weeks’ notice of the ballot, and how members can enter, will be given via the Club’s newsletter with reminders posted on the Facebook page.
  • To be eligible for the ballot, a member MUST be a paid-up EA member, affiliated to LFR as first claim and have been rejected for the marathon in the public ballot.  When entering the ballot, members will need to submit the public ballot rejection evidence to the Secretary (secretary@leightonfunrunners.org.uk).
  • An EA ballot winner in one year is not entitled to enter the EA ballot for the following year.
  • Once the ballot has taken place, the Secretary liaises with the successful member and inputs their contact details in a dedicated VLM portal. This triggers an email to be sent to the member from VLM explaining how they need to register and pay for their place.  There are strict timelines in which the member must do so, and the place will be lost if these are not adhered to. Registration and payment on time is the responsibility of the member.
  • The EA ballot winner is expected to raise a minimum of £150 for the Club’s charity of the year when the ballot is held. (Usually the prior years charity from race day)
  • Separately, the Club may be awarded an additional place if it has fielded a team of marshals the previous year. The organiser of the LFR marshal team will verify with the VLM marshal organiser if the Club will receive such a place.  If so, a ‘marshals place’ ballot will be offered.   The marshals place ballot eligibility is current club member who marshalled in the previous year’s VLM.
  • Eligible members may put themselves forward for the main EA ballot as well as the marshals ballot.
  • If the ballot winner becomes injured the ballot place must be paid for and deferred.
  • Please only enter the ballots if you intend to run. Ballot places are not transferable.
  • Remember that a marathon is a demanding event! Seek medical advice if you are uncertain about your ability to undertake such a challenge.


Please note: The above is based on the process managed by the EA and the London Marathon and is therefore subject to change at any time without notice.  Changes made by the EA/London Marathon are outside of the Club’s control.