12803058_10156518881250524_2657269438873164712_nBrighton Half

Distance - 13.1 miles

Runner – Rob Laughton

Approx # Competitors – 8000

Time of year –February

Price - £35 or thereabouts

What you have show for it – Good Medal, T-Shirt, couple of bananas, energy drink and a PB.

Course Description –Pretty flat trail race (only 300 feet of climb)

For some of us the day started with the alarm clock at 4am, as we'd previously chosen to travel down on the day. I am sure the thinking was that we'd get an early train to be there, or perhaps drive early, but because of the road closures for the race we'd not really appreciated how early. Also, as its a Sunday, there was no feasible train journey on the day that could get us there for the start. After a late search for local accommodation the night before drawing a blank, early start by car was the only option.

The NCP car park in town is pretty secure as they go, its not the cheapest nor the most expensive, and there are always spaces. Its worth a go.

We met the others from LFR in a coffee shop and shared all the usual pre-race nerves and predicted times then wandered towards the bag drop, which is quite far from the start line if you are walking from the centre. This is worth bearing in mind, as by then the queues for the loos were quite long too. Leave more time than you think for the walk to bag drop.

As there are about 8000 runners this is a busy race, so the start pens are all separated by fencing. You'll need to find your start pen and enter by the side, you wont be able to start at the back and work through the crowds.

Once underway you head 2016-02-28 08.18.22out into the town for a small loop and you begin to realise how big this race is for a half-marathon. The streets are literally lined with people cheering. This continues as you come back onto the seafront and head out up towards the marina, and back again towards the centre. As you pass through the 6 mile point you are back in town and the noise is deafening, the streets here are lined 2 or 3 deep with people and it feels great. You definitely feel like you are part of something.

The last turnaround point comes at 10 miles. One last push for the final 3 and its job done!

There are some undulations but they are all at the start, the race is mostly flat, and its fair to say its potentially a PB course.

This was my 3rd Brighton Half and i am sure wont be my last. Its a fantastic race, great atmosphere and has real PB potential. Why would you not do it?

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