So you are probably like me and no different to anyone else at the same time….What I mean to say is that in terms of the new years resolutions even though you know its an antiquated concept, you still at least in your head, if not out loud, make some new-you promises. Of course we tell the world that ‘no, I’m not doing resolutions this year’, just going to change this and that, oh and this other thing also, but then deep inside, we secretly tell ourselves that we’ll eat better, train better, go to bed earlier, drink less, argue less…. Basically do more good stuff and less bad stuff. Sound familiar?
So why wait, the new you is waiting to emerge, all you need to do is click here…only kidding, but on a serious note, now is definitely the optimum time to get signed up to some self-improvement activities. At LFR you may have noticed that we are running a series of workshops on running form. Fix your form running form for 2016? Sadly its now full, but please check it out, ask questions, and perhaps you can let us know if you’d be interested in a session in the future.
Additionally you could register for the watchless series of races. What is that? Its a 5 mile race where you submit your predicted time in advance then, without a watch, try to run it as close as possible to your prediction, with a global objective of everyone finishing at 12 o'clock. The winner will be therefore the one who is the closest to their prediction and naturally finished closest to 12 o'clock. Register your time here for the 5 or 10 mile races. Better still, these are free for LFR members.
Also key for any training plan is speedwork. This can come in many shapes and sizes and starting in the new year LFR is organizing a series of ‘fartlek’ speedwork sessions to kick start the speedwork training on Wednesday evenings. Want to know more?
Finally. You may be thinking about how to increase your mileage as part of your new year, new you plans. Well each week for a couple of months now we have been running weekend long runs. Between 10 and 20 miles in distance, the aim is to build up the distance ahead of the marathon season.
So as you can see there’s lots going on, LFR doesn’t stand still, so why not get involved in one of these programs and kick start your new you new year promises.