• Important Update on EA & Government Guidance 17th May 2021

    Important Update on EA & Government guidance 17th May 2021 Dear All, As you are no doubt aware, the Governments Roadmap to easing lockdown restrictions takes affect from today, Monday 17th May. Detailed below is how it will effect us as a club, and you as our members. As we move into Step 3 of the roadmap, and having reviewed and considered the guidelines we are introducing the following changes to LFR club runs: Photographs before / after runs can now feature up to 30 people, although social distancing guidelines remain. The standard group size will be increased from 1 Run leader to 12 runners. Larger groups will be permitted providing there is also a designated tail runner and it is reasonable to do so. E.g., trail runs & social groups: The maximum being 1 Run Leader, 1 Tail runner and 24 runners. For this coming week, there will be no change to what has been organised, although of course you can have photos with larger groups. The club documentation on the website will be updated to reflect these changes. For clarity the following guidance remains in place: Run leaders should avoid busy areas, narrow alleyways and the towpath and give way to other pedestrians. The booking system will remain in place, and runs must be booked in advance, this is to comply with our Track & Trace obligations. You must follow Government & NHS guidance regarding hygiene and social distancing. Avoid socialising before and after the session. Do not run if you have symptoms or are isolating. Notify the Covid-Coordinators if you test positive following a run. We appreciate you may think that the group sizes could be larger under the new rules, so we have set out the rationale below: EA Guidance on Run Leaders to runners is 1:12, this is regardless of Covid considerations and therefore should be a normal group size. Larger groups, whilst technically allowed, may still seem intimidating and we do not want to tarnish the clubs reputation so will limit these to where it seems reasonable and still apply the EA ratios. Most of our runs are still based around town and 12 seems a reasonable manageable group size. If you have any concerns please feel free to contact Myself chairman@leightonfunrunners.org.uk Emily captain@leightonfunrunners.org.uk Or Andy Stocks & Dougie LFRcovidcoordinators@leightonfunrunners.org.uk I thank you all for your continued support as we move to the next stage of the road map. Stay safe and happy running! Andy Heale LFR Chairman

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  • Important Update On Group Runs

    Important Update On Club Group Runs Dear All, We’d like to share with you all our plan to increase the size of our running groups from Friday the 9th of April. In February, the government announced their Roadmap to easing lockdown, and the first phase of that for us started on March 30th with the return to group runs with a run leader and 5 runners; this was known as “The Rule of Six”. The Government guidance states outdoor sport is permitted in larger numbers provided it is formally organised. By following the guidance of English Athletics through the implementation of the booking system, Risk assessment, Action Plan and appointment of Covid Coordinators, LFR is providing formally organised sport and therefore the “Rule of Six” does not apply. English Athletics have not provided guidance on maximum numbers. The committee has reviewed the guidance and is in the process of updating our documentation and have today agreed that LFR will run in groups with a maximum of nine runners commencing Friday 9th April. This is the Run Leader plus eight. I’m sure you’ll agree that this is great news, however, we are also aware that some of you may have concerns. If you do have any concerns or feedback, then please don’t hesitate to contact myself or our Covid Coordinators Andy and Dougie. We can be contacted here: LFRcovidcoordinator@leightonfunrunners.org.uk chairman@leightonfunrunners.org.uk Stay safe and happy running! Andy Heale LFR Chairman

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