This is the week that was... Emma's 100 Marathons!
Holiday Runs
It was good to see that last week, some of you managed to get away again and soak up the summer sun. As a cycling fan, I’m very jealous of Celia Walker who treated herself to a delightful afternoon tea in the world famous Betty’s Cafe Tea Shop in Harrogate. On the cycling theme, our furthest traveled member last week was Brendan Thomas who was promoting LFR in Aix-en-Provance, France. Again making me doubly jealous as Brendan got to witness the Tour de France whiz past while he was out on his run. A bit closer to home was Michelle Evans-Riches who was debating whether it was jam on cream or cream on Jjam on her scones in Cornwall. I’m sure whatever way you had the scone Michelle, it was well deserved!
Eyeing up the yachts in Cowes was Sandra Dunsterville who I’m told decided that none were suitable for The Grand Union Canal, so spent the day enjoying the fantastic scenery that the Isle of Wight has to offer. We hope you all had a great time.
Running Back At Home
Before we get to the weekend reports, a brief reflection on last week's runs. Emily tried something different last week with all Tuesday club runs being on the trails. A huge thanks to our run leaders who took on the challenge of leading somewhere different, including JK who planned a Fartlek session across the plains of Woburn, to Sam Heady who once again opened up her Farm to us where she led a fab five across the fields and tracks for a 5 mile run.
Next week we have two teams entered in the LBAC organised “Around Milton Keynes Relay” and the teams were out checking out their specific legs. Coach Matt reported that Leg one was rather overgrown in places, while Andy and Will got very wet checking out Legs 2 and 3. On Sunday I had the pleasure of Elle’s company as we covered Legs 4 and 5. Also on Sunday, Team 2 had Richard Heady and Tom Ellerton out checking their routes with Dan covering off Leg 5 on Saturday.
LFR’s were again out on training runs over the weekend with The Fab Four of Graham Cooper, Steve Lymbery, Stephen Moore and Christine Ayres running Sunday. It was especially good to see their route was amended for Graham to pick up just a segment as the trio completed a brilliant 16 miles. Also putting in a big number was Adam Carter with 17.5 miles as he continues on his quest to be ready for the London Marathon in October.
Onto the races and again we’ve had runners out far and wide. Competing in the Vitality 10k in Hatfield were David Hanley and Steve Molyneaux. Both reported unappreciated hills and lovely warm weather. Not a great combination! Well done both. Love the T-shirt too!
Saving the best bit to last... The annual Race to The Stones was held over the weekend and we had a few members take on the challenge. For those who don’t know, it’s a 100km event from Lewknor in Oxfordshire to Stonehenge in Avebury in Wiltshire. You can run the distance in one go or camp overnight halfway. Completing the 100km route non Stop was the amazing Jo Secker who completed the route in 20 hours, 8 minutes. That makes me super tired just thinking about it! Long time member Gordon Hill was going for non stop but sadly decided to retire after 78 miles. This is still an incredible performance, Gordon, we're proud of you!
Also taking part were running partners Lesley Wes Barnard and Emma Davis. Now, making this extra special for Emma was that Day 1 of the event clocked up Emma’s 100th Marathon and Day 2 her 101st. It’s “only” taken Emma 10 years to complete her 100 marathons. Due to Covid, Emma’s plans for her 100th have changed several times but she persevered and can now join the 100 marathon club as a full member but says she can’t imagine running a marathon in anything but her LFR shirt. Fellow LFRs JK, Jane Crighton and Ali Scott with a few other family and friends turned up at the end as a surprise, which reduced Emma to tears. We are all very proud of you Emma!