• LFR Celebrates its 200th Active Member

    Leighton Fun Runners recently signed up its 200th active member, Gemma Adamson. The club membership has been growing steadily over the last year with runners attracted by the club’s balance of sport and fun, but there is an extra-special reason to celebrate the 200th member. Despite being physically fit at the time, in 2015 Gemma […]

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  • Club Trips: Amsterdam 2016

     We came, we saw, we conquered! Who said that originally? Not sure, but it’s a very applicable phrase for the club’s trip to Amsterdam last week.Waking up at 3am to catch the 6am red-eye flight out of Luton, I am sure I speak for the others by saying it was a pretty ugly time of […]

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  • Being Seen & Being Safe

    Be Safe & Be SeenThere is no avoiding it the dark nights are here to stay.  Club members safety is really important all year round but even more so now as we are back to pounding the pavement. Not only do we have cars to contend with but we are not the only people out […]

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  • Last Minute Race Planning

    In exactly 2 weeks I’ll be in Amsterdam with LFR for the Marathon and Half-Marathon and can’t wait. The training plan has gone well for a change. Ok, so what I mean by that is that training has been ok. Well, by ‘ok’ I mean its not gone badly. This is strange because normally, as […]

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  • Longest Injury-Free Period

    I’ve been running a long time, perhaps 12 years in a ‘sort of regular’ way and perhaps ‘on and off’ for the 14 years preceding that. The ‘off’ periods being more influential than the ‘on’ periods of course, but that’s another story. Along the way, I’ve had all manner of injuries, as happens to all […]

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  • LFR Rocks

    This year running has been tough. An injury in February set me back way more psychologically than physically and my mojo has been off somewhere else doing its own thing ever since. Running has not only been hard, but also not very enjoyable. About 6 weeks ago I had to give myself a good talking […]

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  • Keeping things interesting

    It’s true that when you do something a lot you can lose interest over time. The same can be said about running. Most of us have at some time or other lost what we refer to as our ‘mojo’ and spend ages looking for it on the sofa, in the pub or asking friends if […]

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  • What happened to my mojo?

    Has anyone anyone seen my running mojo?Since I sprained my ankle in February I have felt quite down about how much running fitness I have lost.  This time last year I was running a 10k most weekends and was achieving a new PB each time.  This year my running has been limited to the Tuesday […]

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  • Yorkshire 3 Peaks Challenge

    The mountains of Whernside, Ingleborough and Pen-y-ghent are collectively known as the Three Peaks and they form part of the Pennine range in the picturesque northern England landscape. Popular with runners and walkers alike, this circular route is about 25 miles long, with over 5200 feet of climb. So, absolutely perfect for an LFR afternoon […]

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  • Greensands Fun

    Looking back, it is possible that I started running for the same reasons as lots of other people: to get fitter, to loose weight etc. Over time though, we discover many other things that keep us running. For example no one ever starts running to keep themselves sane, but it is something that you kind […]

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