• Running and Mood

     Recent events in France remind us all how stained the world is and how difficult life will be now for people directly affected by such atrocities. Lives never the same again, but because of the way the world is connected these days, the ripple effect of such emotion cascades quickly, spreading around the world in […]

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  • Marathon Training and Real Lives

    It’s getting to the time when people who are taking part in a spring marathon will start to think about their training schedule. When to start – Now? December? January? How many long runs? How far will the longest run be?No matter what the answers to those questions might be, a lot of people fall […]

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  • What’s all this about trail shoes…

    So here’s the issue, you like the idea of running off-road in places like Rushmere and Ivinghoe so went online and bought some trail shoes that came highly recommended. However you later found that in order to get to these places you have to run on the road also, and your new trail shoes either […]

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  • When to not run

    The internet is full of advice on the best time of day to run, or the best places to run, or even how best to run. One of the hardest decisions a runner needs to make, though, is when not to run.Deciding on whether you are fit enough, recovered enough, virus-free enough to run can […]

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  • Finding time for a run

    There are sometimes weeks which drag on seemingly forever, each day a lifetime of its own and sometimes there are weeks where you’re simply unaware of time passing, such is the frantic pace of events. The week just gone was one of the latter.Between commitments for work, family and friends and on-going personal projects like […]

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  • Pre Race Excitement

    So this is happening…Its early October, which to most people just means the start of a new month, but right now to me this means only one thing: Glencoe Mountain marathon. How does one enter such a race? That said I am not sure that’s even the correct question, more like why would someone enter […]

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  • Learning Again

    The great thing about running is that it you can never stop learning new stuff, like how to run downhill properly which is what I’ve had to learn recently. Sounds like something you don’t need a lesson in right? You just run, but…downhill. No. Apparently there’s a right way, and a way that is slower […]

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  • Trail running for fitness

    Trail Running and XC for Fitness.So with the start of the Cross Country (XC) season a matter of weeks away, thoughts turn to preparations for this. For many, the mere mention of XC brings back memories from school of running across a field on a damp November morning wishing to be anywhere else. All that […]

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  • Mind over matter

    Yesterday was the Dunstable Downs Trail Challenge Marathon. Running 27.5 miles over local hilly trails gives you plenty of time to think. To be precise, four and a half hours of time to think. It was a tough course but like all events, as you move towards the latter stages, increasingly it becomes harder to […]

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  • End of summer (part 2)

     Most people are probably thinking the same thing this week, so how did it get to September so quickly? Back to the school runs, back to work back to dark evening runs. Also after a summer of little activity a lot of runners will be hoping to ‘up’ their miles, get back on ‘it’ or […]

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