MK Marathon Support
When I was first asked about finding a mile manager for the MK Marathon earlier this year I knew that finding someone would be tough, mainly because I was certain no one knew what it was about and as such it represents the big ‘unknown’. Most people are happy to take things on when they […]
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Runs don’t always have to be races
RUNS don’t always have to be RACESWe must have all done it. Had a look on Strava or race times and thought ‘eek! So and so who was slower than me just beat my PB!’ I know I have. Most of us also go into a race with a time in mind and it’s the […]
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It all comes down to this…..
So for the last 18 weeks I have been training for Milton Keynes Marathon – 381 miles ran, an average 3-4 runs a week of anywhere up to 35 miles.Over this time I have got PB’s in all distances from 1 mile to 20 miles, yet there is only one day where it matters.I must […]
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Paris as a supporter
This weekend 16 of us boarded a train bound for Paris. For some it was to add another marathon to their growing list of achievements, for one it was to run her first (well done Debbie) and for the rest of us it was to to cheer as loud as we could when we saw […]
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What happened to the fun?
With the benefit of hindsight, I’ll wager that all the things that end up pear-shaped in life will all have seemed like a good idea at the time. They may have even started with some small innocuous sentence. Here are some classics… Lets just go for a quick drink, yeah just the one… I’ll have […]
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Carrie – Out of Action
So back in January, Captain Rob blogged about staying injury free, I must have missed that one! So the last few weeks I have been trying to keep myself from turning into a couch potato whilst I’ve been out of action, but here are a few of the things that I have learnt or have […]
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No Pressure
There are some golden rules for race day that explain how to maximise your race day experience and give you the best possible conditions to grab a PB. Things like hydrating and resting properly in the days leading up to a race, arriving in good time and eating sensibly the morning of a race, whilst […]
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It’s not what you know, it’s who you know…..
So New Year had come and gone, and in its wake was a number of resolutions – I’m probably very similar to a lot of people in the sense that at New Year, I say New Year, New Me, and make a list of things which for the best part of a couple of weeks […]
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Breaking Psychological Barriers
It’s often said that the only barrier to progress is in the mind, with the idea that all things can be possible if at first we believe that we can. Nothing is truer or more relevant for runners. Runners often get stuck in a training rut, or pass through oceans of time before hitting a […]
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This week, I’ve been thinking lots about Leighton Fun Runners and what makes us different from other running clubs. One of the things that stood out for me is the amazing team spirit and camaraderie we have built up over the years. Taking a look back at events in the past few months, there’s nothing […]
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